Showing posts with label social media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social media. Show all posts
Published January 19, 2022 by with 0 comment

Where to Find That Damn Brady Show Around the Internet

In case you can't tell by the way this blog is going so far, I love talking about The Brady Bunch, and I want to engage with fans where you are. I'm cool if you don't want to leave comments on my blog, but I do like knowing what people think about The Brady Bunch and everything related to that, and what kind of content they would like to see related to the Bradyverse, and all of that fun stuff.

First, I'm going to plug The Brady Bunch subreddit, /r/bradybunch. That has nothing to do with this blog. It's been a community for 8 years and this blog barely posted it's first review this month. However, I did create the community and it's an awful lot of fun. It has a whole range of fans and fun conversations, so if you happen to Reddit I hope to see you there!

I also created a Google group. I'm going to use it to send monthly newsletters for this blog, if you're interested in that kind of thing. However, as long as nobody abuses it, I also have it set up so everyone in the group can start a discussion. Speaking of staying updated on this blog, did you know there's a subscription button in the side bar? If you're on mobile, the sidebar is at the bottom of the page.

I made an Instagram for That Damn Brady Show. I don't know what I'll post on it just yet, since most of what I acquire is screenshots, but we'll see. I might make some fun things to share. Let me know if you have any ideas for great Instagram content I could be making.

There is also a Facebook page for That Damn Brady Show, except Facebook is for Boomers and even the mild swear of "Damn" made them lose their fucking minds. So over there, we're That Darn Brady Show. I need people to engage with me so I'm not talking into the void over there.

You read this whole post and I think you deserve some kind of congratulations. I didn't even use any pictures. So let me share something fun and for once, not Brady related. Did you know that fuck is just a perfect word? Let me show you why.

I hope to see you around the Internet!

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