Published January 28, 2022 by with 0 comment

What exciting new Brady Bunch related project is happening in 2022?

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What is something exciting and fresh that could happen for the Bradys in 2022?

Yes. Christopher Knight announced on his Instagram account that he and Barry Williams will be hosting a podcast called "The Real Brady Bros" that will be launching on February 1. Each week they'll recap an episode and share their memories of it. I'm personally excited for the banter of two people who grew up like siblings. Also, being as Brady obsessed as I am, I'm ready to learn some stuff.

And yes, I did wait two days to announce this, but that's because I had already posted about the Bradys being on Cameo on Wednesday and yesterday was the review of "Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore" and I wanted to space out the content. As far as I can tell, the podcast will be on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Audible. (Sidebar: if you would like to try Audible free for 30 days and get 2 free audiobooks, such as Maureen McCormick's Here's the Story: Surviving Marcia Brady and Finding My Real Voice or The Way We All Became the Brady Bunch by Kimberly Potts, or any other audiobooks they have, click this link.)

Who is going to listen to this podcast? I've already added it to my Audible library. What stories do you hope to hear? Literally, I'll be happy if I learn anything new. I've already marked February 1 on my calendar and I will be listening to it on my drive in to work. I'm so excited and I hope other Brady fans are, too!


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