Published January 24, 2022 by with 0 comment

The Brady Bunch Season 1 Review Schedule

February 2022 monthly calendar with events scheduled on it.
Sneak peak into That Damn Brady Show's content calendar.

As I was mapping out when I was going to review every episode of everything on The Brady-est Brady Bunch TV & Movie Collection, I realized that maybe before every season I should lay out what should be expected - how long will it take to review the season, if there are any planned days where a review won’t be posted, what to expect post-season, etc.

Of course I thought of this a few weeks into season one. That’s okay. I can still set expectations.

Episode reviews will post at 6:30 am Eastern on Thursdays. Reviews for The Brady Bunch season 1 will be posted between January 6, 2022 and June 23, 2022, starting with “The Honeymoon” and ending with “Lost Locket, Found Locket.” There are no planned days off for reviews in this time period. On June 30, 2022 there will be a recap of the entire first season, and then I will be taking two weeks off from reviewing before jumping into season 2, just to reset my brain. There will still be content in these two weeks, just not episode reviews.

Some planned non-episodic content that can also be released in this time period is a comparison of The Brady Bunch with 90s series Step By Step, which had a very similar premise and also aired Friday nights on ABC. I have also ordered the first Brady Bunch novel, which is just titled The Brady Bunch, and I plan on reading and reviewing that. I also plan on writing an essay about Tiger Brady, which will either be released during season 1 or season 2. I am also hoping at the end of the season you can help me decide which episode was the best episode of the season, and which one is the worst. I don’t have release dates for any of these, so just be on the lookout for them.

Let me know if there’s anything else you think I should write about for season 1, and I hope you enjoy the content!


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