Published December 16, 2021 by with 0 comment

Launch Date Announcement

Hello, those of you who have stumbled upon these early posts before the official launch date (and those of you after who went all the way back to this point in time)! I am so excited to get into the actual content of That Damn Brady Show. I had to make sure I had a solid plan into place to make sure I wouldn't immediately fall off schedule and not update anymore. I love The Brady Bunch and overshare in real life, so having an outlet where you want to be held captive by what I have to say is something I genuinely want, and I hope you enjoy.

I will be launching this blog with 2600+ word look into The Brady Bunch's pilot episode "The Honeymoon" on Thursday, January 6, 2022 - which is three weeks from today.

Why January 6? Well, the next two weeks are Christmas week and New Year's week, and I didn't think that would be a good time to launch a blog and build up excitement for it.

Why am I announcing this three weeks early? Again, because of the next two weeks being holiday weeks. I don't think it's good to make an announcement when people are busy doing other things.

The blog will update on Thursdays with reviews and deep dives into new episodes. I may take a small break between seasons because everyone deserves a break sometimes, but otherwise I will update on Thursdays. Why Thursdays? Well, a lot of blogs like this one update on Fridays, and I didn't want to update on the same day as everyone else to give people a chance to stagger their entertainment reading. Also, if I update on Thursday, the post will still be here on Friday or the weekend, if that's when people prefer to read it.

If I have bonus content, that will update outside of the Thursday schedule, likely on Saturday as that will be when I have the most time for it.

If you don't already, you should follow me on Twitter and TikTok, and subscribe to me on YouTube.

I look forward to starting the deep dive into The Brady Bunch with you on January 6!


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