Published December 02, 2021 by with 0 comment

Coming Soon

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Welcome to That Damn Brady Show! This blog will be dedicated to dissecting every Brady episode and movie included on the DVD set "The Brady-est Brady Bunch TV & Movie Collection." That is The Brady Bunch, The Brady Kids, The Brady Brides, The Bradys, TV reunion movie A Very Brady Christmas, cinematic releases The Brady Bunch Movie and A Very Brady Sequel, the made for TV movie The Brady Bunch in the White House, and the made for TV movie Growing Up Brady, which was based on Barry Williams's book Growing Up Brady: I Was a Teenage Greg.

Whether or not I can actually finish and update everything remains to be seen, but I would absolutely love to try and I would be thrilled if you came with me on this journey. I'm also hoping to make a video version, for those who don't want to be bogged down with words.

So, here's a little about me and why the Brady-verse and why I chose the name of this blog. I easily obsess over things, which is why I can start out hot on a project and then forget it existed. However, I have been obsessed with the Bradys since the 90s - I was born in the 80s to two parents who are not fond of the Bradys, which is how it took so long for me to get into it. But even in a time where my family didn't have Internet, just thanks to watching out for reruns on TV and watching interviews, I very quickly learned more than anyone born between The Brady Brides and A Very Brady Christmas ever needed to know about the Bradys. One of the things I learned was that my mother wasn't very fond of the Bradys for a reason - she met them, and they were unkind to her. Up to that point, she had watched the show but she never watched again after that. My dad never liked the Bradys, and was always telling me to stop watching that damn Brady show - hence, the title for the blog. Mom, however, had an experience of one of her sisters destroying the optimism of another sister by making a mean comment over a show she liked, so my mom did talk to me about The Brady Bunch and even told me she still liked Christopher Knight and Eve Plumb, and not just because my mom was the middle of six kids herself, but because that fateful day they were unkind, those two were the nicest.

Also, I clearly don't take sides in things that happened in the 70s because I wasn't there. Do I believe my mom? I do. But it was at The Orange Show, and The Orange Show is cursed. It is literally cursed. It always rains at the Orange Show, except for in a drought because obviously raining would be a blessing. It's hot, if it's not raining it's probably still more humid than California has any business to be, the grounds are cursed, and you're six children on tour - I don't expect that they'd be nice all the time. So my mom's feelings are valid, but that doesn't stop me from loving The Brady Bunch.

I also chose my dad's 90s catchphrase as a title for this blog because despite my love of one of the most wholesome shows ever, I'm not necessarily a wholesome person. I swear, I snark, and I don't hesitate to tell people where they can stick their own vileness. I'm not going to be all bubblegum pop just because the Bradys are. I'm also not afraid to call out the things I love when they do something wrong. You know Home Alone 2, the second greatest Christmas movie of all time after Home Alone? It's not a good movie. It's a copy paste of the first movie with 20 minutes added on to brutally punish 3 hotel workers who were doing their jobs and maybe didn't handle a weird situation in which they found themselves in the best possible way. Just because something isn't always great doesn't mean it isn't worthy of love, and just because you love something doesn't mean there's nothing wrong with it. I will call out the family Brady if it is needed - especially considering how much of the staff went on to work on Small Wonder. That is a true statement, and Small Wonder is another one of my favorite shows but I get why it's not on a lot of top 10 lists.

Thank you for reading 844 words about the purpose of this blog, why I want to do it, and some weird personal tangents I went on. I feel like this should also give you enough of a feel of who I am as a human to see if you want to go on this journey with me. I hope you do. I don't have an official launch date yet, but I am currently working on curating content and I'm hoping this blog will be alive with updates within the next month.


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